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Hande Ercel and Kerem Bursin have a special program for the end of the year holidays!
Hande Ercel and Kerem Bursin spend the end of the year holidays peacefully!
Kerem Bursin with Hande Erçel for a Weekend Holiday Look Where They Are.
Hande Erçel came back from her holiday suddenly for Kerem Bürsin!
Hande Ercel and Kerem Bürsin went on a romantic winter vacation
Hande Ercel and Kerem Bürsin went on a secret vacation
Hande and Kerem had a romantic dinner on Kerem's terrace!
Kerem Bursin went on a romantic vacation with Hande Ercel.
When Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin leave, an explanation is awaited from Hanker
Hande" Erçel's first stop after returning from a long vacation is Look Who Was
Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin went on vacation to Uludağ and had a snowball fight
Hande and Kerem Have Planned a Romantic Vacation Look Which Country They Will Go To On March 9th.